Anyway,I was cleaning the Chickens out and changing drinkers etc today and as I stood up a pair of Blue tits were checking out the new property! one of the Blue tits actually went inside then came straight back out,probably checking if its suited to family life in there,so in the next few weeks I will be keeping a close eye on things to see if they settle into thier new dwellings.I will add photos too,Paul also said he would make another 2 boxes to go close by very soon. The Collard Doves (Stay away from my Brasicas thats all I ask) are still here also 4 Robins and 4 Jay's,lots of Great Tits,Blue Tits and Coal Tits were all there in one go today it was lovely to see them all in the snow flying in and out for the banquet of food I leave for them.
I have a new book,
Also I found something else whilst flicking through this book under 'Salad Plants', how to grow Dandelions! I spend all Summer trying to get rid of the bloody things,nevermind give them a space of their own and care for them! out comes my weed puller upper thingy and on the fire they all go,and anyway when I was a kid if ya picked a Dandelion it meant that ya 'wet the bed' so I aint gunna grow these and pick them for my Greek salads thankyou very much! maybe thats a Northern saying,has anyone else heard of that?
This week I put toilet roll tubes (I knew they would come in handy for something) around the bottom of my leeks,which not only gives them a bit of protection from the biting wind up there,but bleaches or blanches the stems. In the book it suggest using land drain pipes or metal tubing and should be three inches in diameter and from a foot to fourteen inches in height. They seem to have taken ages to grow though.
Do you have an old Gardening book? email me with a pic if you like and I will put them on the blog.....
nice pice BJ
sorry supposed to be pics
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